Penn Station Access Project Solutions

Hellgate Line
2. Hellgate Line (No Train Stops in Queens)  
Hellgate Line
3. Switch Tracks (Produce Loud Clattering Noise)
Absorptive Sound Barrier
4. Absorptive Sound Barrier
Absorptive Sound Barrier
5. Acoustic Noise Absorption
Acrylic Sound Barrier Hillside
6. Acrylic Sound Barrier Colors
Bird Guard
7. Bird Guard
Acrylic Sound Barrier Overpass
8. Acrylic & Sound Barrier Overpass
Acrylic Sound Barrier Hillside
9. Acrylic & Sound Barrier Embankment
Elevated Train Sound Absorbtion
10. Elevated Train Sound Absorption
Train Track Sound Absorbtion
11. Train Track Sound Absorption
57th Street Embankment
12. Hell Gate Line Embankment (57th St)
13. Amtrak Train 57th Street Video
14. Noise Mitigation Diagram

15. PSA Solutions

Noise Solutions and New Station

  1. Resilient track and structural materials
    • Relocation of the two switches opposite Boulevard Gardens
    • Fastenings/baseplates
    • Pads (under sleeper, baseplate, rail, etc.)
    • Continuously welded rail (removal rail joints)
    • Thermit welding of track joints
    • Slab track
    • Dampers
  2. Noise Mitigation
    • Sound barriers
    • Acrylic sound barriers that absorb sound and are transparent
    • Eliminate Grinding
  3. Rolling stock components and maintenance
    • Wheels, brakes, dampers, suspension
    • Wheel profiling, lubrication, etc.
  4. Operations
    • Operate a slower speeds
    • Use train horns only when necessary
  5. Noise protection for Boulevard Gardens residents: Funding for BG to install noise-insulating windows
  6. Station at Northern Boulevard: Advocate for a new station at Northern Boulevard so the residents of
    western Queens can share in the benefits of this project

16. PSA Solution References